Tips for Keeping Your Snow Plow on the Road This Season

November 2017

Safe winter driving is important, especially when you are running a fleet of snow plows this winter. Driving a snowplow is hard work; make sure to not overlook your safety.

Here are some of our tips to keeping winter roads safe and your fleet on the road this season:

Drive according to weather and highway conditions – Remain aware of your surroundings and operate the plow equipment when there is little to no traffic. Try to resist going out on the roads when traffic is high to avoid putting drivers of all types of vehicles at risk.

Adjust speed – SLOW down when you see the road conditions deteriorate – DO NOT exceed 40 MPH when transporting a plow – Do not exceed 14 mph when plowing. Resist the urge to get the job done in a hurry. Remember, safety first!

Plan your routes in advance- Look out for any hidden obstacles by performing a pre-storm route inspection. Look for things such as bumper stops, curbs, speed bumps, sidewalk edges, shrubs, water drains, fire hydrants, fences and pipes. To avoid all of these obstacles, make sure to walk around the area before it snows to check for obstacles that will become hidden when snow accumulates.

Maintain your vehicle throughout the year - Make proper adjustments for winter weather. Check all equipment before each use. Make sure to inspect lights, brakes, windshield wipers, defrosters, plow bolts and chains, spreader and auger, flares and other safety equipment.

Avoid overheating – If overheating occurs while you are in the middle of a plow, stop and adjust the blade position to allow more airflow to your radiator.

Be kind to your Hydraulics – When you complete your plow, make sure to lower the blade to the ground and turn the plow controls off.

Have we missed any tips to keep your plows safe this winter? If so, share your tips/experiences in our comments section below!